Thursday, May 23, 2013

How to clean to get your deposit back.

I can honestly say in the 22 months I have lived in this apartment I have cleaned the bathroom once. And here I am 5 days away from moving out and I'm freaking out. I could really use that deposit back to pay for my bills. 

So I scoured my kitchen cabinet. And honestly I have bought almost every lazy person's cleaning product. I bought the self cleaning sprays. None of them worked instantly like they show on the commercials. I bought the special wipes for bathtubs but my soap scum is so intense that they ripped the wipe and the scum is still there. 

But have no fear, readers. For I have found a cheap product that worked. Magic Erasers. They certainly are magic. It takes a little elbow grease but a few rough swipes and the dreaded soap scum is gone. 
 I forgot to take a "before" picture and honestly I have no idea how to do a split screen picture (damn technology) but the right side is done and the left side is my nasty uncleaned bathtub. It took me about 5-10 minutes of good scrubbing to do half of the bathtub. And I haven't figured out how to do the other side because I have sliding glass doors and a toilet on the other side. I may just have to take a cold bath with dirty water to get the other side. 

I will have a post later on the shower walls because when I moved in the grout was black (it's supposed to be white, by the way).

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Gotta Find a Job!

I drove an hour over to my moms hometown to drop off an application. They have 2 openings. One for a child case manager and one for a family case manager. I drove all that way hoping I could meet with someone and interview then but the HR people were out of the office doing training. So I drove around looking at things from my childhood and looking for houses for rent in hopes that I get the job and get to move to the town where I spent all my summers as a kid. My cousin works at the place too so I would get to spend more time with her. 

And moving to the place that held so much wonder as a kid would be wonderful. It was where grandma and grandpa lived. It was where you could drive through the park and see lions. It was where on hot summer afternoons grandma would take me to the library so I could pick out a book. I would love to move to that wonderful place but I'm hoping that actually living there doesn't ruin my childhood fantasy of magical Independence. 

My mom wants me to get a job there so she can have somewhere to stay during their fall festival. Jeez. Thanks mom. 

Shawn also says he won't want to live there forever. He doesn't understand. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

And I Thought I Was Done Taking Tests...

I had to get up at 4:30 this morning, leave the house by 5:30 so I could get to Tulsa before 8 am so I could take a test to make me eligible for 2 probation/parole positions in Oklahoma. I got 83/100 on the test and I was terrified that that wouldn't qualify me for the jobs but I got an email this afternoon that I'm on the eligible list for both positions!! I'm hoping that they will pull the scores and I will get a call Friday for an interview!! But one of the towns was hit by a tornado today and the other one is under a tornado watch right now. I'm thinking that I'm bad luck...

And the other thing I've been dealing with is my best friend's wedding. One of the bridesmaids has completely taken over. She says that the bride asked her to see what we thought of the "dresses" (which is a white tank top and an orange skirt) but I texted the bride and she said that the rogue bridesmaid is obsessed with the skirt and wants everyone to wear them. They're also $108 and can only be bought online. I am completely against online shopping (I don't buy anything I haven't tried on), and $108 is completely ridiculous for a skirt. Also the wedding colors are blue and silver.

I was on a conference call with 2 of the other bridesmaids (part of the original foursome) and we are in complete agreement that rogue bridesmaid doesn't know that its not her wedding. I'm gone so I can't be part of the planning. They're having a dinner on Thursday and the 2 will be texting me the whole time to let me know what's going on. I can't wait till I move back and I can be involved with the planning. I told bride that I'm willing to work with her and design and make dresses for everyone. I prefer a bridesmaid party picking out dresses though...

Loves, B

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Stay at home "mom"

I have spent the last 3 days being a stay at home "mom". And I've been watching The Dick Van Dyke Show lately so I feel like Laura Petrie. I actually put on a dress and I've been wearing an apron to do my work all day. 

What I got done before 10am (and its pretty astounding, people): 
* took the dog out and fed him
* made breakfast for Shawn and myself
* made Shawn a lunch to take to work
* made the bed and picked up the bedroom
* fixed the vacuum, swept the living room, and picked up the living room
* cleaned the kitchen and did the dishes
* walked the dog
* showered and dressed 

Yeah. All of that before 10am. I also did 3 loads of laundry, cleaned the bathroom, made lunch and started getting things together for the garage sale on Saturday. Oh, and made a loaf of Irish soda bread (which I remembered I really dislike after I ate a piece). I will probably be sending it home with my friend that is coming down tomorrow. She's full Irish and loves all that crap. So I'll let her enjoy it. And take home the other box of mix I bought (impulse buy because it was on sale). 

I have a while before I have to start making dinner because Shawn's friend is coming over for dinner and he can't come over till about 7:00. 

I'm really getting tired of this stay at home mom and wife thing. My "child" is a 9 month old puppy and I'm not even married yet. I just have to do this because I don't have a job and I don't want to move away from Shawn just yet. I already have to spend the summer away from him. Is it so bad that I want to spend a couple weeks with him? 

I guess spending each night with him while I can is worth being bored during the day. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

We Need To Talk...

As much as I hate saying that to Shawn, we do need to talk. I don't want to move that far away. Its hard to look for somewhere to live 1,200 miles away. I'd rather find a job somewhere close and that way I could move into a place and he could join me when he's done with school.

I've also discovered that I hate staying home all day by myself. It's so boring! And Page only has one opening. It would probably be a while before I'd find a job there and I don't want to do the stay-at-home mom thing yet. I want to utilize my college degree. If I find a job somewhere near the city, I'm sure he would be able to find a job somewhere up there. So I'm going to keep looking for a job and not just depend on him.

I hope I don't sound bitchy for wanting to have a job. It's not 1960 anymore. I can have a job if I want to. I finished college first so I should be able to find a job and make him follow me where I go.

If anyone's reading this, comments please?

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Farewell to College

At times, college was difficult and challenging. I had to figure out new places on my own and adjust to becoming a grown up. College was also a blast! I met lots of people and one of them became the person that I can't see my life without. I met my best friend, Shawn at his fraternity house almost 3 years ago. We have been dating for 2 years and we currently live together. At the end of this month we are becoming a long distance relationship. I'm moving home with my parents while he takes summer school classes to finish college. Last summer tested our relationship when he took an internship in Arizona for the summer while I was at home taking summer classes. We tried to talk every day and I missed him like crazy. This summer we will only be 2 hours apart, but its just beginning to sink in that I won't get to see him everyday and I won't get to sleep next to him every night.

I do not have any job prospects, but Shawn may have gotten a job in Arizona because of his internship. If he gets it, we will move there together. Its half-way across the country and it may be a difficult move. I have started looking at places to live but there aren't many houses for rent where we will be living, Page, Arizona. It's up between the Grand Canyon and Lake Powell, Utah. We also have a dog, so renting a place with a fenced in yard that allows dogs narrows our search quite a bit.

Well the boys are back with pizza and Zoolander so I'm gonna stop writing for now. I hope you're still with me and willing to stick with me as I figure things out.